ASHLAR 2024-25 Special Dates
September 2: Closed – Labor Day
September 3: Wilderness Whimsy Sowing Connections 10:00-11:15
September 3: Wonder Roots Sowing Connections 12:30-2:00
September 4: ImagiQuest Sowing Connections 1:00-2:30
September 5: NatureQuest Sowing Connections 1:00-2:30
September 6: Seeds of Friendship Welcoming Potluck 5:00-7:30
September 9: First Day of Regular Programming
September 23 - October 3: Fall Portraits
October 25: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip (All Programs Invited)
October 28-31: Family Play Dates: Mask-Making Workshops & Parades
October 31: Last Day of 1st Quarter
November 4-7: Fall Cultivating Caregiver Connections
November 11: Closed for Veterans Day
November 26‐28: Closed for Fall Break
December 14: Makers’ Market for Youth Entrepreneurs (All Programs Invited)
December 23 - January 2: Closed for Winter Break
January 8: Winter Community Day: Lantern Walk (All Programs Invited)
January 20: Closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 21-23: Winter Presentations
January 23: Last Day of 2nd Quarter
February 10-13: Family Play Dates: Friendship Tea Parties
February 17-20: Closed for Midwinter Break
March 17-20: Closed OR Inclement Weather Makeup
March 22: Harmony Day Potluck (All Programs Invited)
April 3: Last Day of 3rd Quarter
April 7-10: Closed for Spring Break
April 14-17: Spring Cultivating Caregiver Connections
April 22: Spring Community Day: Earth Day (All Programs Invited)
May 5-8: Mentor Appreciation Week
May 19-22: Closed OR Inclement Weather Makeup
May 26: Closed for Memorial Day
June 12: Last Day of Regular Programming
June 16: Community Bounty Day (All Programs Attend, Families May Drop Off or Stay)
June 17: Wilderness Whimsy Blossom Ceremony 10-11:30am
June 17: Wonder Roots Blossom Ceremony 2-3:30pm
June 18: ImagiQuest Blossom Ceremony 2:30-4pm
June 19: NatureQuest Blossom Ceremony 2:30-4pm
“The garden of community blooms where each member is nurtured
and every connection is cherished.”